Rosario Tirado von Chrismar

Viña del mar, Chile




Story of

my professional career

I am an engineer specializing in product design and also have a track record of writing two children's books, as well as currently working on various literary projects. I am currently training in illustration, where my main interest is the illustration of children's books. On the other hand, I work as an entrepreneur by owning my own baby and children's products company. Likewise, I have developed an interest and passion for photography, which I have cultivated in a self-taught way since my childhood, when I received my first camera at the age of 5. In terms of work experience, I have mainly worked in areas such as marketing, content creation, project development, graphic and product design.


Below I will present a summary of my work in different areas related to design and art:


Illustration projects


Graphic design


Product Design








Illustration has recently come into my life as communicative art. I admire the illustrative work and how images can communicate, complement and illuminate the text. Below I present the work developed in this short period of discovery of the illustration

Illustration projects


Project name: RANCOR

Context: Final project, illustration course at UC university, January 2023

Objective 1: Describe "rancor" as if it were a person. Create a text and then illustrate it.

Technique: watercolor, colored pencils and pen fineliner



The present and the future have become dirty, coal-colored with a rotten smell.

The worms are eating his inside. He has a fixed look with fire that ignites when remembering the pain. As he walks, he burns his past. The color of the gray stones stains their skin and their surroundings. He doesn't let go, he doesn't release and embrace that deep hatred that makes him feel dead in life.

Illustration projects


Project name: RANCOR

Objective: make a biographical file of the character. Place him in a historical context, make up a story and description.

Technique: watercolor, colored pencils and pen fineliner

His first memory: The fire in Izmir in September 1922 where his home was burned and his parents died trying to stop the fire

What does he do: he dedicated to survival. He lived by hunting rodents or dead animals.

Project name: RANCOR

Previous studies: Sketches, exercises, study

Illustration projects

To achieve the illustration of Rancor, I searched for definitions and etymology of the word, inspirations, photos, historical facts, use of color, etc.


Definition: “bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long standing”

From Latin rancor (“rancidity, grudge, rancor”), from *ranceƍ (“I am rotten or putrid”), from which also English rancid.

Illustration projects


Project name: MY GRANDPA TOLD ME

Context: Personal project, for a children's book

Objective: illustrations for a children's story. Story written in rhymes with short sentences.

It should complement the text with an image, comparing the same situation today and in the past.

It should be a clean, emotional image.

Technique: watercolor

Illustration projects


Project name: MY GRANDPA TOLD ME

Mi abuelo me contĂł

que cuando tenĂ­a mi edad

hay cosas que ya no estĂĄn

y otras que siguen tal cual

Mi abuelo me contĂł

que cuando tenĂ­a mi edad

hay cosas que ya no estĂĄn

y otras que siguen tal cual




Although my studies has not been in graphic design, I have had to apply it many times throughout my work experience. Both in the design of stands for trade fairs, logo, advertising, brochures, design and execution of web pages, among others.

Graphic Design


Project name: "CRESCENTE" LOGO

Context: I work at Crescente, a company that sells baby and children's products.

Objective: Logo renewal. Keep original idea, but modernize it and give several color options. Show concepts such as: Moon, crescent moon, dream, growth, parents/children, cozy, practical, simple, close.

1 Original design:

2 Idea development:

3 Final proposal:

Graphic Design



Context: It is graphic design for promotion in social medias and web page design of Crescente Company

Objective: Different projects as advertising campaigns and calls to action for the company Crescente, as well as design and complete development of the website (www.crescente.cl)




What I enjoy and value most about product design is the process of finding "that" design that fits the need you are looking to meet. Simple, clean and environmentally friendly solutions are some of the characteristics that I like to introduce into my product and service design. My work experience in product design has gone more to creating brands, concepts, experiences, systemic solutions.

Product Design


Project name: BALUN

Context: Balun is a brand developed by my own business (Crescente). Where everything has been designed, both the logo, the products, the packaging and the style to be transmitted. The products are: blankets and sleeping bags.

The brand seeks to offer products of high quality, full eco friendly and playful and cheerful colors.

Product Design


Project name: KITCHEN SINK

Context: Final project of workshop course at the exchange program at Norwegian university of Science and Technology NTNU (2011)

Objective: It consisted of designing a kitchen sink, questioning the current models and proposing a new solution.

The project was carried out together with 2 students. It considered an in-depth market research, customer study, design process, solutions, testing, creative meetings and prototypes were carried out.

Contemplate, observe, see details that nobody sees. Stop time, capture moments that will never happen again.

The image in the photograph is not mere documentation. In addition, it should be able to inspire, reflect, bring out emotions. Play with lights and shadows, with the prominence of details that go unnoticed. Nature is full of that, that's why I like to photograph it. But also people, especially when they are spontaneous photos.




Project name: PHOTOGRAPHY


Darwin Mountain range, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. 2014

Context: Personal project

Each country, territory, area, has enormous wealth. Touring my country with a camera makes me appreciate its beauty and its purity.

More than a project, this work has been the opportunity that I have had to portray and photograph my country in every route that I can take with my camera. This is really a tiny sample of all the work I have.


Artisan,Valdivia, Chile. 2015

King penguin, Tierra del Fuego, Chile 2014

"Typical window" Chiloe, Chile. 2014




Osorno and Calbuco Volcano, Chile, Eruption 2015

Ancud, Chiloe, Chile 2014

Castro, Chiloe, Chile 2014

Puyehue, Chile. 2015



Project name: NATURE

Context: Personal project

This collection of photos has been a summary of many years. During trips, walks and contemplations in detail, I have obtained countless photos that transmit color, emotions, noise or silence. All scenes captured in their natural and spontaneous settings.

Project name: PEOPLE


Context: Personal project

Capture of spontaneous and free scenes, playing with light and shadow. Photos of people pause a moment, an expression. It invites us to reflection and contemplation. Children have a lot of that, which is why I love taking photos of their games, anger and laughter.



Project name: DETAILS

Many times we move without stopping. For detail photography it is necessary to observe, stop, breathe, admire. For me, the way of doing active meditation.




Writing is an instrument of art and communication, which has always accompanied me in my life, especially rhymes and poetry. But just in 2018 I took the step to study a diploma in creative writing. After that, I have published 2 children's books as a writer and I hope to continue this path as a writer-illustrator. Below is a summary of both books.



Project name:

"The great trip of Pepita water drop"

This book is my first publication as a writer of children's books. Illustrated by Pedro UrzĂșa (@soyelpille).

-I did not make the illustration, I only directed its process

Published through editorial Trayecto in 2020.

What is it about?

A new water cycle begins and Pepita, a curious droplet of water, is part of a new adventure that will take her on a tour of different parts of the world. A story that narrates the journey of a drop through simple language, to teach children about the water cycle.


Project name:

"The great trip of Pepita water drop"

Some excerpts translated from the story (original in Spanish)

"The Pepita drop floated calmly in the sea. She moved with all the other drops to the beat of the waves. She went and came back, went and came back. The salt mixed with all of them, and the droplet Pepita dissolved it in her belly, tickling her "

"Pepita had been in the depths of the ocean for a long time, sad and boring, where she had had the idea of finding the light"

"Pepita felt cold and hugged more drops around her. The cloud condensed. The droplet felt that her body was weighing on it, and little by little the cloud disarmed, and they all rushed towards the enormous rocky hill"



Project name:

"A King Penguin"

My second book as a writer. Illustrated by Pilar Parro (@piliparro).

-I did not make the illustration, I only directed its process

Published through editorial Trayecto in 2022.

What is it about?

This is the story of a penguin who wears a fancy suit. But whoops! it has been stained and the island animals try to help. However, everything gets complicated! Could someone give a solution?

A fun story written in rhymes that allows children to know and identify the animals that live in Tierra del Fuego, as well as learn about cooperation, friendship and how problems can become opportunities.



Project name:

"A King Penguin"

Some excerpts translated from the story (original in Spanish)

A penguin dresses fancy

around the island is walking

He wears a nice suit

showing his black boots"

"King" calls him his friends

for marching with grace

Tall and stylish chest

say hello everywhere

"His friend the guanaco

has invited him to cook

fish with tomato

how delicious this looks!"


The condor that flies over

realizes the problem

suggests to use the beak

and remove it bit by bit




Through this page I conclude the exhibition of a selection of my works in the field of drawing, design and photography. Currently, my focus is on continuing my training in illustration, specifically in the illustration of children's books, in order to enrich my work in writing stories for children by creating illustrations that can accompany, teach and entertain to the little readers.
